1. Prologue......................……………Falling in Love
2. Introduction......................……Not Just a Future Hope
3. Entryway.................................…I am not the Mailman
4. The Front Closet (part 1)……….Growth Takes Time
5. The Front Closet (part 2)……….Failure and Growth
6. Living Room........................................Waiting
7. The Stairway..........……......God Invites us to Intimacy
8. Kitchen...................................Somethin’ Good Is Cookin’
9. The Trophy Room……..….The Praise of Men or of God
10. Library......................................We Are God’s Autobiography
11. Mud Room..........................Cleansing Begins with Confession
12. Hallway........................…….....Enjoy the Journey
13. Pictures on the wall………..Into the Future Backwards
14. Conservatory............…...The Key that Opens the Side Door
15. Bedroom...................................The Physician Prescribes Rest
16. Gymnasium........................The Mundane Never Goes Unnoticed
17. Portico...........................................Getting the Big Picture
18. The Dream Room……………..Imagination and Prayer
19. The Storm Room……………….Going to the Other Side
20. The Shower or Bathroom…….….Naked Vulnerability
21. The Coat Closet………………...…..Creating Space
22. The Laundry Room…………..…The Sacred and the Routine
23. The Basement..................................Confronting Fear
24. The Pool and Guest House……….….He Found Me
25. The Gardens………………………..Hardened Clay
26. The Dining Room.........................Eating with the Enemy
27. The Workroom.............................A Work in Progress
28. The Family Room..........................Drop the Pretense
29. The Gallery...............................The Prayer of Meditation
30. The Ballroom...............................Dancing with the King
31. Master Bedroom………………………Divine Intimacy
32. The Saturday Room……………..The Place for Hard Projects