church membership

Interested in becoming a member of SDFC, or transferring your membership from another Nazarene church? Contact our staff to learn more about our church membership classes!

HAlf-Million mobilization

Join other Nazarenes across the USA & Canada in praying our way to Pentecost, following the Half-Million Mobilization prayer journal from May 1 through Pentecost Sunday (June 5, 2023). 


campus map

Attending an event on the SDFC/PLNU campus, but unsure where you're going? Click below for a downloadable map of the church & university campus to identify buildings, parking areas, and more.

worship album

In 2017, the SDFC Worship Team published a digital praise & worship album titled "At The Mention Of Your Name". The album is available to stream for free on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Apple Music.